Responding to reports that Bristol City Council has approved £30 million in funding for infrastructure at the Arena Island site, Martin Garrett, chair of Transport for Greater Bristol (TfGB), said:
“The exciting proposals for the Arena site will create a great leisure venue and give a much needed upgrade to the area, and many of these proposals are extremely welcome.
“Nevertheless we share the organisers’ hopes that people are able to access the site easily via public transport, and expecting visitors to rely on Metrobus – which stops no nearer than 400 yards from the rail station – is unrealistic.
“It’s vital that transport provision is considered as part of plans for the wider area: proper public transport interchange options for the Arena would also help serve rail passengers at Temple Meads and the Enterprise Zone.”
TfGB said that they hoped that an announcement expected on Monday 14 March on the Bristol Temple Quarter Spatial Framework Consultation would include more positive information on public transport plans.
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